clover emulated nvram

  1. Charliehere

    Reseting NVRAM to fix AirPlay and Booting

    Hello there, So, I have 2 small problems with my Hackintosh (macOS High Sierra): 1. AirPlay doesn't work properly - when I try to stream a music from my Hackintosh to AppleTV, it does work without any problem, but the icon in toolbar (The icon that appears when screen mirroring is avaiable)...
  2. MacMan

    Clover UEFI Boot Mode with Emulated NVRAM v2.4k r4862 2019-02-01

    Installs Clover bootloader for UEFI booting only to the EFI System Partition of the selected destination drive. Installs OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi, EmuVariableUefi-64.efi in /EFI/CLOVER/Drivers64UEFI/. Installs Clover rc scripts files in /etc, ~/Library/Application Support/Clover and...